Our 51st Induction
About Grace Blair
Grace Blair is an award-winning self-help and motivational author, and podcast host, who has assisted thousands to find their spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges. Throughout her adult life, Grace became a serious student of the spiritual. She found that, often, psychological principles and practices were incomplete, but could be filled out by adding the missing spiritual component. Her approach was always to see practical applications for what she uncovered in the mystical. It was through immersing herself in this field of study and experience that she came up with her idea for her book, Einstein's Compass. She lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, Dr. John Blair.
Einstein's Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure is #Lexile rated for young adults 12-18 860L.
School librarians and teachers will find the book in the Library Catalog
Classification: LCC PZ7.1.B57 Ei 2019 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.B57 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]--dc23
Announcing Einstein's Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure
Wins Silver in 2019 eLit Awards in the Juvenile YA Fiction Category
Wins Honorable Mention Readers Favorite Award 2019 YA Science Fiction
Teen & Young Adult Time Travel eBooks
Teen & Young Adult Historical Fantasy eBooks
Teen & Young Adult Sci-Fi Action & Adventure eBooks
Our 52nd Induction
About Laurence St. John
Laurence A. St. John was born on January 11, 1965 in Toledo Ohio. Laurence has one older brother and two younger sisters. Laurence along with his parents, brother and sisters moved once while growing up to Genoa Ohio, just south of Toledo. While attending Genoa Area schools, He was active in track, football and baseball. Later, after he graduated from Genoa High School (Comets) in 1983, he worked for a few manufacturing companies.
At the age of 23 and after three years of dedication, hard work and sweat, in 1988, Laurence received his first-degree black belt (Shodan) in Tae Kwon Do. This gave him the self-confidence and perseverance needed to surmount anything that came his way.
When Laurence was 25 years old he fell in love then married the love of his life, Julie in 1990. He then adopted her two young wonderful children Joe and Jan shortly after.
Out of high school for nearly fifteen years and after persuaded by his former manager, Laurence attended Owens State Community College where he obtained an Associates Degree in Microcomputer Business Systems while working full-time. In addition to computer classes, he enjoyed composition classes where he could free his mind and write what he wanted.
While working in the steel processing business for almost fifteen years, Laurence's place of employment changed hands, for the third time in 2006; fighting for his job, again. In the same year his first granddaughter, Kendall, "Papa's Angel" was born. He described this as one of the most uplifting moments of his life. In addition, it was during this time when his emotions were running wild; he became inspired as well as determined to write his penned-up thoughts on paper.
Nearly four years later, he had completed his first teen fantasy novel, Metatron: The Angel Has Risen. Metatron: The Mystical Blade was published in 2014. Dagger of Mortality release date will be March 15, 2018. The fourth novel in the series will be released sometime in 2019.
Laurence currently lives in Northwood Ohio with his wife of 28 years, Julie. His son Joe is married to his wife Cari who have three daughters, Kendall, Sadie and Harper. His daughter Jan is married to her husband Andrew who has one son, Elijah and one daughter Evelyn. Laurence currently holds the position of Administrations Manager at Precision Strip, Inc. in Perrysburg Ohio, where he works full time. He continually writes in his spare time; weekends and after work, and is endlessly inspired by his five grand kids Kendall, Eli, Sadie, Evy and Harper.
Action & Adventure Manga (Kindle Store)
Superhero Science Fiction
Action & Adventure Fiction (Kindle Store)
Action & Adventure Fiction (Books)
Literature & Fiction (Kindle Store)
Superhero Science Fiction
Fantasy Adventure Fiction
Our 55th Induction
About L. L. Thomsen
Originally from Denmark, now resident in the UK since forever and a day, fantasy author L. L. Thomsen, began her writing journey relatively late. This is to say that like most people who never had an instant calling, she tampered with other things like archaeology & prehistory, teaching and shop work for a while. However, with the birth of her first child, so was her muse discovered and whether a demon or an angel, this 'muse-who-must-be-obeyed' has yet to let her down.
Interested in the idea of mixing it up, L. L.'s work include multiple genres under one title - grimdark, romance, mystery, sword and magic, adventure - her series: The Missing Shield, is far from your average read.
L. L. is inspired by Wurts, Hobb, Erikson, and Martin. She endeavours to look beneath the surface of her characters, whilst providing the reader with an epic experience full of visual truth and elaborate world building. She always puts the best and worst into the melting pot, always making hers a guaranteed unique read.
L. L. currently lives with her family + two cats and a dog, in the back-of-beyond near Sherwood Forrest. She's yet to discover the truth about the Universe, but feels she sometimes comes close. Without Coffee, Chinese food and candles, the world would be a much darker place. If you like to chat books and writing, please feel free to drop her a line anytime. Her inbox is only a click away.
Contemporary Fantasy Fiction
Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks
Epic Fantasy (Kindle Store)
Fantasy Action & Adventure
Fantasy Adventure Fiction
Dark Fantasy Horror
Dark Fantasy
Our 56th Induction
About Erika M Szabo
Erika lives in New York and when her daughter moved out of the family nest, she started writing. Erika writes magical realism, fantasy novels as well as fun, educational and bilingual books for children 2-14 about acceptance, friendship, family, and moral values such as accepting people with disabilities, dealing with bullies, and not judging others before getting to know them.
Children's Activity Books (Kindle Store)
Children's in Spanish
Special Needs Parenting (Kindle Store)
Children's Sword & Sorcery Fantasy Books
Children's Fantasy & Magic Books
Children's Fantasy & Magic Adventure
Children's eBooks (Kindle Store)
Children's Spine-Chilling Horror
Time Travel Science Fiction (Kindle Store)
Time Travel Fiction
Alternative History
Two-Hour Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads
Historical Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Fiction
Cultural Heritage Fiction
Humorous Fantasy (Books)
Herbal Remedies (Kindle Store)
Alternative & Holistic Medicine
Herbal Remedies (Books)
Family Life Fiction (Books)
Family Life Fiction (Kindle Store)
45-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads
Our 57th Induction
About Dede Stockton
The Sammi Jo Adventures series features a young girl on a quest to find a new friend and the amazing adventures she finds after discovering her mysterious new friend! Sammi Jo doesn't let anything get her down, and always has the BEST DAYS EVER! She is capable of finding a silver lining in every cloud and is determined to make all her dreams come true! Help your children have the Best Day Ever! by introducing them to Sammi Jo and her adventures!
There are currently 4 books in the Sammi Jo Adventure Series! Enjoy reading about how Sammi Jo meets her amazing new friend and the other amazing sea creatures they encounter on their journeys. You will also meet much of Sammi Jo's family and get to celebrate with them as they expand their family in book 3! We have now added a picture book to the series, which is What's That Noise? Book 5 - this allows the younger children to enjoy how Sammi Jo meets Screech with amazing illustrations and a cute rhyming story!
Sammi Jo is excited to have an activity book to go along with her adventures! The activity book contains coloring pages and activities to go along with Books 1 - 3. A second edition will come along for books 4 - 6, once the series continues!
Sammi Jo would also like everyone to find something good in EVERY day! Her 365-day journal allows you or your child to write about something good in every day and always have the Best Day Ever!
Please enjoy my series and always have the BEST day EVER!!
Dede also teamed up with her friend, LaRae Musselman, to write a picture book about LaRae's rescue horse, Scratches, and his journey to find and accept his new life with his new family and new friend, a goat named Daisy!
Children's Mystery, Detective, & Spy
Children's Literature (Kindle Store)
Poetry for Early Learning
Stories in Verse
Children's Fiction
Mysteries for Children
Action & Adventure Mysteries for Children
Children's Friendship Books
Children's Farm Animal Books (Books)
Children's Horse Books (Books)
Children's Mystery & Detective Comics & Graphic Novels
Children's Action & Adventure Books (Books)
Children's Mystery & Detectives Books
Children's eBooks (Kindle Store)
Children's Imagination & Play Fiction
Children's Coloring Books
Our 58th Induction
About Virginia K. White
Virginia K. White was born in South Dakota but grew up in Nebraska. She taught English in NE, Wy, and CO. Kids, teaching, writing, and animals are among the things she loves. After 40 years in the classroom, she was able to put those loves together and write for young readers, a long time goal. She reads and talks to young readers in elementary schools as well as volunteers in the classroom of one of her former students, now an art teacher. Her philosophy is "If you write for young readers, you need to be around young readers!"
She recently adopted three rescue cats who had become a family in Fur the Love of Paws rescue facility. Sprite, Fanta, and Willy have added entertainment and new ideas for stories. She lives in CO with her husband and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren.
After too long, Virginia finally has a website! https://www.virginiakwhite.com. If you click on "More" you will find some pictures of my feline inspiration. If you go to About Me, you will find some fun pictures of my time with family.
I continue to be guided by Bublish, the biggest help I have had in creating my stories. I am proud to announce that Glasses for Margie was a finalist in the Colorado Authors' League book award contest. She is helping me create a sequel. A new picture book, another fun cat book, is on its way.
Children's Cat Books (Books)
Children's Chapter Books (Books)
Children's Books
Children's Cat Books (Kindle Store)
Children's Chapter Books (Kindle Store)
Children's Animals Books
Children's Friendship Books
Children's Cat Books (Books)
Children's Self-Esteem Books
Our 60th Induction
About Elizabeth Horton-Newton
Elizabeth Horton-Newton has been called the Seductress of Suspense because she draws readers into her stories, builds the suspense, and just when the solution seems to be obvious, she pulls the rabbit out of the hat and reveals a dark truth. Her lifelong interest in the Kennedy assassination conspiracy resulted in her first novel, "View From the Sixth Floor: An Oswald Tale". With the release of her second book, "Riddle", she once again tackles a social issue; the illegal adoption of First Nations babies separated from their families. Small town prejudices against people of color and "outsiders" results in a unique friendship between two young people. Weaving a romantic thriller around the issues, she creates rich characters in all her writing, drawing the reader into their lives. With her education in Criminal Psychology, Sociology, and Media Communications she offers a unique insight into how criminals think and how society responds to their crimes. Volunteering in local Domestic Violence groups in her hometown, she likes to confront social problems in her stories. A member of the Tennessee Author's Guild, Elizabeth currently lives in a 100-year old haunted house with her husband, writer Neil Douglas Newton, and her dog, Scout (named for a character in "To Kill a Mockingbird"). Not limited to a single genre, she has written erotic romance, "Carved Wooden Heart" (with the mysterious Starla Hartless), and the suspenseful "Stolen Gypsy", as well as novelettes through Electric Eclectic Books. She is currently working on a new novel, "Blood on Murder Highway", loosely based on the murders and disappearances of indigenous women in the Pacific Northwest. There is also a crime noir novella in the works and an anthology of short stories and poems she's written over the years. When she isn't writing she is usually traveling or taking photographs and often both simultaneously.
Literary Anthologies & Collections
Fiction Anthologies
Serial Killer Thrillers
45-Minute Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads
45-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads
45-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads
Single Authors Short Stories
International Mystery & Crime (Books)
Alternate History Science Fiction (Books)
Historical Mystery
Romantic Erotica (Books)
Romantic Suspense (Books)
Kidnapping Thrillers
Suspense Thrillers
Murder Thrillers
Hard-Boiled Mystery
Women's Crime Fiction
Horror Literature & Fiction
Our 62nd Induction
About Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt aka A. Raymond is married to Mary, and he is a member of the Catholic Church, and has helped his wife with The American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, Cub and Boy Scouts, and sponsored children alongside his wife on music trips. He devotes his spare time to fishing, reading, playing poker, Jeeping, and travel adventures with his wife. They both love spending time with their grandson, Austin, and granddaughter, Emma.
Kindle Store
Kindle eBooks
Parenting & Relationships
Family Relationships
Dysfunctional Relationships
Our 63rd Induction
About Paul Hollis
Paul Hollis grew up during a time when the notion of a shrinking world was still in its infancy. People lived in rural communities or in city neighborhoods, rarely venturing far beyond the bordered rim of their lives. But as a kid, Paul tumbled off the edge of the yard reaching for greener grass. Having lived in twelve states and eventually working in all fifty, he fell in love early with seeing the world on someone else's money. Since then, he has lived abroad nine years while working in forty-eight countries, spanning five continents. These experiences helped inspire the novels in The Hollow Man series. From traveling through Europe as a young man, to flying nearly three million miles which took him nowhere near home, to teaching companies worldwide about coming global implications, as a world tourist Paul Hollis brings his own unique viewpoint to his mesmerizing thrillers.
Paul has a dual BA in English literature and psychology from the University of Illinois. In addition to having worked for IBM and others in worldwide physical and video security, he is an active member of International Thriller Writers and the St. Louis Writers Guild, as well as an international conference speaker.
Suspense Thrillers
Espionage True Accounts
Biographies of Espionage
Crime Action Fiction (Kindle Store)
Our 64th Induction
About Anna asamento Arrigo
Anna Casamento Arrigo was born in Sorrentini, Sicily and came to America with her family and settled in New Jersey.
After suffering a stroke, she turned to writing as a means of expressing her innermost thoughts through visionary prose. Inspired by music, poetry, and the classics of literature, Casamento Arrigo truly encompasses the breadth and scope of the written word.
Having taught inner-city students prior to her stroke, Casamento Arrigo understands full well what it means to need inspiration. Between the success found at her hands, and the successful impartation of love, creativity, and understanding, on to her five children and her 12 grandchildren, Casamento- Arrigo has accomplished a great deal.
She has penned several books, including a memoir, an electrifying romance, as well as several children's books.
Casamento-Arrigo continues to make great progress toward complete recovery .She is, presently,working on several additional children's books,as well as, another memoir ,a collection of short stories,and,yet,another collection of poetry!
Two-Hour Biography & Memoir Short Reads
Children's Family Life Books (Books)
Children's Literature (Kindle Store)
Children's Friendship Books
Children's Self-Esteem Books
Literature & Fiction (Books)
Children's Sleep Issues
Memoirs (Kindle Store)
Children's Books
Poetry by Women
Poetry About Love
Memoirs (Books)
Romance (Books)
Love Poems
LGBT Books
Our 65th Induction
About Michael Timmins
Michael was born in Sylvania, Ohio. A suburb of Toledo. He spent most of his adult life living in Northwest Ohio and began writing at an early age, but never thought to publish any of his works. He got a sense that his writing skill might be used to author a novel when writing campaigns for his D&D group. After several years of starting and stopping he finished his first work "The Awakening: Part One." which was immediately followed by, "The Awakening: Part Two." Both novels are Book One of "The Lycan War Saga," with, "The Gathering" Book Two of "The Lycan War Saga" set to be released early 2019. Michael also released, "Prelude to the Shards," an Anthology set in a world he created and is the first book of a new series, "Shards of the Coven."
Michael resides in Toledo with his beautiful wife and his two amazing sons.
Werewolves & Shifters Suspense
Action & Adventure Fantasy
(Kindle Store)
Metaphysical Science Fiction eBooks
Dark Fantasy Horror
Dark Fantasy
Sword & Sorcery Fantasy (Books)
90-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads
90-Minute Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Reads
Our 66th Induction
About Carmen D Swick
Author/Speaker- Carmen Swick lives in Colorado with her family where they enjoy many of the outdoor activities that the Centennial state has to offer. She volunteers with a non-profit organization, The Foundation Fighting Blindness, where she held the position as President of the Denver Chapter, for the past 11 years, till 10/12/2019. She was the Chair for The Blind Taste of the Rockies, for 7 years which was a fundraiser to raise much-needed awareness, and to find a cure for blindness. In 2012 Carmen led the role of Chair for the Denver Vision walk. Is now the Chair for the Ride for Sight "poker run" fundraiser. All the while attending schools and Libraries, for presentations/workshops and signings for the Patch land Adventure series. Carmen was the presenting children's book author for the 2014 Young Writers Conference for Jeffco Elementary Schools. She is currently working on her next book called "Chomper my Bearded Dragon"; it is not part of the Patch Land Adventures, book series. I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. I am a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
Children's Pet Books
Children's Action & Adventure
Eye Problems (Books)
Children's Health (Books)
Our 67th Induction
About Rafael Amadeus Hines
Rafael Amadeus Hines is a native New Yorker with Panamanian, Jamaican, and Irish roots, who was born and raised on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Dipping into his early Alphabet City memories, he loosely based many of the characters in his first novel, Bishop’s War, on the people he grew up with, and adapted many of his own experiences into the book as well.
Rafael is a former Jazz club owner and restaurateur, and has worked in the financial and energy markets for over twenty years. On 9/11 he watched his office along with all the others in the Twin Towers come crashing down and, like many New Yorkers on that day, he anticipated follow up attacks to take place throughout the city. Years later he envisioned a lone citizen soldier preventing these attacks and the hero Sgt. John Bishop appeared on paper.
Rafael is the father of three and still lives in the New York neighborhood where he grew up. A voracious reader of suspense thrillers, his writing career was inspired by legendary artist-authors Elmore Leonard, John Sandford, Stephen Hunter, James Lee Burke, and Tom Clancy. He is currently working on the second novel in the Bishop series, Bishop’s Law.
Military Thrillers (Kindle Store)
Terrorism Thrillers (Kindle Store)
War Fiction (Kindle Store)
Our 68th Induction
About Pat Postek
Pat Postek is a children's book writer and the award-winning author of Six Tails.
Dogs have always been a source of comfort, joy, and inspiration for Pat. She believes animals, especially dogs, are our greatest teachers. Her unconditional love and celebration of animals and children shine through her second book Bandit, The Chubby Chihuahua.
Pat enlisted Illustrator Brad Davies and the following members of the BAB's Publishing Support Team to assist her in the publication process: coach Patricia Lynn Reilly, book designer Gary Hall, editor Pam Suwinsky, and technical manager Nichol Skaggs.
Pat is a member of the Colorado Authors' League and the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. She is a proud supporter of Autism Speaks and The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® ASPCA®).
children's books
Literature & Fiction (Books)
Action & Adventure Short Stories (Kindle Store)
45-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads
Action & Adventure Short Stories (Books)
Our 69th Induction
About Brenda Mohammed
Brenda Mohammed is a renowned, multi-genre, award-winning author, and poet from Trinidad in the Caribbean. She has written twenty-four books to date.
The former Bank Manager holds a Diploma in Banking from the Institute of Bankers in London and a Diploma in Life Underwriting from the American College USA. She qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table, the Premier Association for Financial Professionals, six times in a row.
Brenda's writing career sparked after her near-death experience with Cancer and her recovery.
In 2013, she wrote the book, I AM CANCER FREE which became a best seller and it gave her the encouragement to continue writing.
Some of her books won multiple awards.
She is an Honorary Member of the World Higher Literary Academic Council of WORLD NATIONS WRITERS’ UNION of Kazakhstan, and Vice-Chancellor of Motivational Strips Academy of Literary Excellence and Wisdom.
Besides awards for her books by Readers Favorite International and other reputable forums she received the following Literature awards:
1. World Laureate in Literature by World Nations Writers Union.
2.Global Literature Guardian Award from Motivational Strips and Associates.
3.Certificate of Honour for serving as a juror in an International Poetry Contest sponsored by World Nations Writers Union.
4. The Golden Dove of Peace Award from Motivational Strips and its Nominating Authorities.
5.World Poetic Star Award from World Nations Writers Union.
6. Award by the Seychelles Government Accredited Literary Society [ LLSF] for contribution to World Poetry, creativity, and writing expertise.
6 Order of Shakespeare Medal by Motivational Strips for selfless service in Literature.
Authorship Reference
Words, Language & Grammar Reference
Literature & Fiction
Literary Fiction
Mashup Fiction
Police Procedurals
Murder Thrillers
Mashup Fiction
Holiday Fiction
Love Poems
Inspirational Poetry
Travel Pictorial Reference Books
Hotels & Inns Travel Reference
Cruise Travel Reference
Theme Park Travel Guides
Animal & Pet Care
Pets & Animal Care
Pet Food & Nutrition
Cyberpunk Science Fiction
Dark Fantasy Horror
Poetry Anthologies
Caribbean & Latin American Poetry
Poetry by Women
Dark Fantasy
Ghost Fiction
Conspiracy Thrillers
Private Investigator Mysteries
Kidnapping Thrillers
Children's Travel Books
Children's Action & Adventure Books
Educator Biographies
Education Reform & Policy
Education Administration
Our 70th Induction
About A. Shane Etter
Shane's first novel, Bottom Dwellers, is an award winning supernatural thriller.
Shane is a native son of Mississippi. He is proud of the great literary heritage of his home state and that some of the finest 20th Century authors, like William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, John Grisham and others have called home. Although Shane is primarily a self-taught writer he has taken a number of writing workshops and classes by such noted authors as two time Pulitzer Nominee Jedwin Smith, Mary Helen Stefaniak, and Kaylie Jones, daughter of the great James Jones. Shane makes his home in Sandy Springs Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. He collects books and wine and enjoys working out in his spare time.
International Mystery & Crime Books
Serial Killer Thrillers
Murder Thrillers
Serial Killers
Occult Fiction
Supernatural Thrillers Books
Science Fiction Adventures Books
Crime Thrillers Kindle Store
Crime Thrillers Books
Crime Fiction
Thriller & Suspense Action Fiction
Our 71st Induction
About JC Brennan
J.C. Brennan was born in Flint, Michigan, and grew up in the small village of Skidway Lake. Brennan is a mother of three and an academic scholar. She's a published author, a poet, an expert seamstress, and a talented painter. Her acquired skills and scholastic achievements helped her out of the small town of her youth, though her heart remains there. She has won several awards from such notable sources such as New Apple, Readers' Favorite, & Pinnacle Book Achievement. J.C. Brennan currently resides in Arizona with her husband of nine years and her children and is hard at work with her next big series of novels.
Supernatural Thrillers (Books)
Paranormal Suspense
Horror (Kindle Store)
Police Procedurals (Kindle Store)
Historical Fantasy (Books)
Dark Fantasy
Fantasy Action & Adventure
Our 72nd Induction
About Jermiko Thomas
Jermiko Thomas is a passionate Entrepreneur and Award-Winning Author who has earned the reputation as an up-and-coming success mogul. Growing up, he didn't start talking until he was six years old. While doctors deemed him to be mentally slow, he still persevered and ended up testing out of the resource program in his junior year of high school. Harnessing the innate power of knowledge and reading any book he could get his hands on, his life underwent a complete transformation, and he ultimately made it his purpose to help people dismantle those no outlet signs once and for all.
Jermiko strongly believes that no road block is too large. Similarly, no dream is too big, so he encourages his clients to overcome any challenges that come their way and chase after their dreams relentlessly and unapologetically. In sharing his story, he strives to awaken the infinite potential in others, for that is one of the key ingredients to paving the path to lasting success.
In addition to empowering people, Jermiko received associates degree in Business Administration along with being an honors student while studying for his bachelors Degree in Business Administration at University of the People. Recently, he also created a gaming app and authored a children's books entitled "The Fearless Boy Inventor", "An Adventure With STEM" & Unexpected Friendship/Autism.
Children books
Education & Teaching (Books)
Schools & Teaching (Books)
STEM Education
Health & FItness
Unexpected Friendship & Autism
amusing kids stories
The Fearless Boy Inventor
Our 74th Induction
About Judy Kuhlman
Judy Kuhlman was born in Taft, California and she lived in many different states and Guyana, a country in South America, for a short time. She always enjoyed writing and wrote some short stories when she was younger, but never pursued writing as a career.
She graduated from Arizona State University and taught orchestra in elementary and middle schools for twenty-six years in Arizona and loved teaching. Her major instrument is the cello, which she has played since she was in fourth grade.
Because of the Coronavirus, she began listening to her grandchildren read to her by listening to them on an app on her phone called HouseParty. Her youngest grandchild was too young to read by herself, so Judy wrote some stories to read to her. She wrote about a book a week for the first few months while everyone was supposed to be staying at home as much as possible while the Covid 19 virus was spreading.
Judy had previously talked about writing children's books with her sister, Karyn, who was an artist. Since she had actually written some books now, she asked if Karyn would be interested in illustrating her books and she said she would.
Judy's wish is to entertain children and teach them some facts at the same time. The illustrations make the books fun to read, as well as highlight the basic ideas of the stories.
Children's Animals Books
Our 75th Induction
About Dr. Eric Kaplan
Doctor, Speaker, Best Selling Author, Business Consultant and three time #1 Best-selling author, Dr. Eric Kaplan, recently featured on the Dr. Oz show, Good Morning America, Primetime Live, Montel Williams, as well as CNBC, ABC, NBC, and Fox, has been working to change the world--"5 minutes" at a time.
Born from humble means, he went from the streets of Jersey City, NJ, to President and COO on Wall Street and acquiring and running Nutrisystem, the famous weight-loss company. Learn why business leaders like Donald Trump, who sits atop Dr. Kaplan's first book "Lifestyle of The Fit & Famous," have utilized Dr. Kaplan as a speaker and physician, embraced his life-changing philosophies.
Dr. Kaplan began as a chiropractor owning and operating 6 clinics. After selling his clinics, he went on to Wall Street and became the founder and President of Clinicorp Medical Centers, Medical Diagnostic Imaging. His entrepreneurial skill, combined with excellent leadership and communication skills, led him to become the President, COO and board member of Complete Wellness Centers, NASDAQ traded. Dr. Kaplan guided
Utilitarian Philosophy
Medical eBooks